(ISC)² PHOENIX CHAPTER™ has arrived! Local (ISC)²® Chapters have been created, enabling (ISC)² ® members to hold local events, and have locally affiliated memberships for the (ISC)² ® and Information Security Community involvement.


Engagement in leadership opportunities, such as: Chapter Officers; Speaking at chapter meetings or special events; mentoring credential seeking professionals. 


(ISC)² PHOENIX CHAPTER™ will offer tremendous value in facilitating the collaboration of knowledge with fellow (ISC)² ® credential holders and other information security professionals, within local areas, enabling and empowering chapter members a sense of fellowship with colleagues and improvements in Information Security moving the profession forward.”


(ISC)² ® will also offer events, educational opportunities and materials for its chapters. Other chapter program benefits include:

  • Participation in co-sponsored events with other industry associations
  • Ability to earn continuing professional education (CPE) credits for chapter leadership by participating in professional activities
  • Participation in local community outreach projects (public service) to educate citizens about information security
  • Receiving special discounts on promotional and educational products and events
  • Assisting (ISC)2® initiatives by writing articles for publication or speaking to university students


We know we can’t do this alone, and will work together with our vendor community to promote innovation in Information Security providing events where the very latest can be presented to our members.