Article 1. – Name and Principal Office
Section 1.1. Name/Non-Profit Incorporation.
The name of the Corporation shall be as set forth in its Articles of Incorporation. As set forth in the Articles of Incorporation, this organization shall be called the (ISC)2 Phoenix Chapter, Inc. (hereinafter known as "the Chapter"). This organization is a Chapter chartered by the International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium, Inc. (hereinafter known as "(ISC)2®"), and separately incorporated as a non-profit, tax-exempt corporation organized under the laws in and of the State of Arizona.
Section 1.2. Legal Requirements.
The Corporation shall meet all legal requirements in and of the State of Arizona and in any other jurisdiction in which the Corporation conducts business.
Section 1.3. Principal Office.
The principal office of the Corporation shall be located in Phoenix, Arizona or the immediate metropolitan area. Unless otherwise indicated, the official mailing address of the Corporation is: P.O. Box 65541, Phoenix, Arizona 85082. The Corporation's principal office and mailing address may be changed from time to time by the Board of Directors in accordance with A.R.S. § 10-3502.
Section 1.4. Purpose.
The purpose of this corporation shall be, as set forth in its Articles of Incorporation, to be an approved chapter of (ISC)2 and in such capacity promote an interest in the information security field and otherwise support the mission of (ISC)2. In furtherance of such purpose, the Corporation shall carry out activities appropriate to its legal and tax status and in compliance with the Corporation's Chapter Affiliation Agreement with (ISC)2.